BSMA Raises £1885 for charity
Our BSMA team took part in the 1st ever UK Tough Mudder this weekend. This event truly was one of the toughest but rewarding things I have ever done. The event is all about team work and making it through. The 9 guys we took showed great heart determination and team work to complete the 12 mile course in just under 3hours 30min. The course had 25 SAS designed obstacles along the way which tested us to our limits one of the worst was a 20foot crawl through water with barb wire over the top and electrodes hanging down….when those electrodes hit you it was like nothing I have ever felt before!! A few of our team members were raising money for St Michaels Hospice (based in Basingstoke) and Macmillan Cancer Research….we raised £1885 which is a fantastic achievement and something our guys should be very proud of. Here are a few pictures of our day: